Do you wonder how people win Hold Em tournaments when you go in and you lose? Well Well these 3 Hold Em Poker tips will reveal the secrets to how.
Hold Em Poker Tips - No.1 Secret To Win
The number one way to get in a good position to win a tournament is by stealing blinds. Some of you might have heard this already and others won't have. It's slowly getting out but it is without a doubt the best way to win a tournament. By stealing blinds you get your stack bigger and bigger by cleaning up all the small blinds on uncontested pots.
It's important to take this one further and steal ante's when you get to those rounds. Once the ante's kick in you should be having a feeding frenzy. Every pot is an opportunity to clean up a few more extra vital chips that will serve you later.
Hold Em Poker Tips - Interesting Secret To Win
An interesting thing that is very important to winning a tournament is your reputation. When you start the tournament try to present a very tight aggressive image to the table. Most players will be quick to put you on this style and that's good.
Once you have the reputation for being a tight aggressive player you can abuse this. In some pots you can play looser or bluff, especially when the stakes aren't high and it's just the blinds on the line (wink wink). Purposely building a specific reputation and then flipping it is a secret a lot of poker pro's use.
Hold Em Poker Tips - Important Secret To Win
I guess the most important secret about how to win a tournament is this - you win the tournament at the start of the tournament not at the end. What I mean by this is it all matters about how big your stack is. You need to get a big stack as soon as you can and get to the later table with a big stack.
There are some fancy pancy statistics I can't remember, but it was that something like 80% of tournament winners are the ones that have the largest stack when they sit down at the final table. And the player who had the smallest stack at the last table had like a 3% chance of winning or something. Bottom line is you need a big stack to win a poker tournament.