What's Still Available For US Poker Players
When the US government passed a new bill with regards to money handling in various online gambling sites, a lot of online poker sites closed their doors to US poker players online. Since then, US poker rooms and sites were never the same. Of course, a lot of poker sites decide to steer away from the possible hassle of getting involved in the laws of the country even if the actual status of the law is still yet to be established. Such action just came from a rippled effect of events when two to three CEOS of leading online gaming sites were arrested by the US authorities.
However, to bring good news to the American poker fanatics, there are still some poker sites for US players like the Full Tilt Poker and the Poker Stars. These sites are now termed as the US poker rooms. The major difference with these sites from the rest of the other online poker sites that have withdrawn from the market is that they do not render the concept of online casino gaming. Many experts and social experts believe that once the legalization of the UIGEA gets established, the concept of online poker will be reinvented to achieve a different kind of status in terms of online business.
These poker sites that feature US poker rooms are considered one of the best all around the globe ensuring every US player that the quality of the game is maintained even if the amount of choices to have has been put to a limit. The all time favorite US poker rooms that are open are the Ultimate Bet, Full Tilt Poker, PokerStars, Sportsbook Poker, Bodog Poker, PlayersOnly Poker, and Absolute Poker. They are all the best sites that every US player can go to.
The poker rooms offered may be also joined by other Americans but expect a good mix of a few Asians and Europeans in the room. To date, a lot of people are still fighting for the poker sites to allow US players again sometime in the future. Poker is just a simple game that entertains people and gives ease once in a while from a life that is stressfully lived. However, it becomes addictive and a form of gambling habit once you spend everything you own just for the sake of winning the game. Who knows? Once the US government starts seeing discipline once again amongst the US poker players, there might be a great chance to resort the previous gaming scenario.
However, to bring good news to the American poker fanatics, there are still some poker sites for US players like the Full Tilt Poker and the Poker Stars. These sites are now termed as the US poker rooms. The major difference with these sites from the rest of the other online poker sites that have withdrawn from the market is that they do not render the concept of online casino gaming. Many experts and social experts believe that once the legalization of the UIGEA gets established, the concept of online poker will be reinvented to achieve a different kind of status in terms of online business.
These poker sites that feature US poker rooms are considered one of the best all around the globe ensuring every US player that the quality of the game is maintained even if the amount of choices to have has been put to a limit. The all time favorite US poker rooms that are open are the Ultimate Bet, Full Tilt Poker, PokerStars, Sportsbook Poker, Bodog Poker, PlayersOnly Poker, and Absolute Poker. They are all the best sites that every US player can go to.
The poker rooms offered may be also joined by other Americans but expect a good mix of a few Asians and Europeans in the room. To date, a lot of people are still fighting for the poker sites to allow US players again sometime in the future. Poker is just a simple game that entertains people and gives ease once in a while from a life that is stressfully lived. However, it becomes addictive and a form of gambling habit once you spend everything you own just for the sake of winning the game. Who knows? Once the US government starts seeing discipline once again amongst the US poker players, there might be a great chance to resort the previous gaming scenario.