The most important consideration when using a bluff in a Texas holdem tournament is to ensure that you are doing it at the right time, for the right reason, and with the right price. Failure to follow the best poker strategy when bluffing could easily result in disaster to your poker chip stack.
The Right Time
In no limit Texas hold em poker, especially online poker tournaments, timing is very important. Your bluff must be executed with the utmost care to protect you from losing and quickly being recognized as a bluffer. If others at the table witness your bluff, there is a very good chance that when you have a good hand, they may call you down, believing you are bluffing again and possibly suck out on you at the river.
Therefore, a bluff is likely to work when you have the right position in no limit Texas hold em poker, usually, last to act. If the board is practically a blank, with no draws and the action is checked to you, this is a good time to pull off a bluff. However, you must ensure that the players in the hand are not inclined to trap! If a player is known to be a trapper or check raiser, you may want to wait to make your move.
The Right Reason
The right reason to bluff in a Texas holdem tournament is crucial. Are you bluffing just because everyone checked to you, or are you bluffing because you KNOW your opponents will fold? Choosing to bluff when there are calling stations in the hand could be dangerous!
Make sure the reason you are bluffing (whether in an online poker tournament or live poker game) is because you know your opponents will fold. Keep mental notes (or live notes in an online poker tournament) on who is a calling station and who is a strong player that will fold to a bet. Having that little bit of information about your opponents can help you win plenty of pots and get you deeper in your Texas holdem tournament.
The Right Price
No limit Texas hold em poker is all about getting the right price. Remember that the game is about investing your chips to win more chips, and getting the proper return on your investment (ROI). Texas holdem tournaments are especially dependent on your ROI and the right price strategy.
If your bluff is going to put too much of your chips at risk, you need to reconsider if this time is the right time to make your move. In addition, in an online poker tournament as well as a cash game, many weaker players with shortstacks are apt to call in hopes of drawing out.
In a Texas Holdem tournament, you must pay close attention to the poker chip stack of your opponent and know that if they have less than your bluff bet amount, they may call anyway out of desperation to win. On the other hand, if you have a big stack in the hand, he may call your bluff just because he has enough chips to do so.
Carefully plan out your bluff as you progress through your Texas holdem tournaments. The use of bluffing as a tool in your poker strategy arsenal should be used with care to protect your image and your poker chip stack. Make sure you use the right timing, the right reason to steal the pot, and that you are getting the right price with the minimal risk.